
Wednesday, November 16, 2016

HTGAWM 'No More Blood' Recap: The End Is Nigh!

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With this week’s episode in the past, we’re one week away from finding out who is under the sheet. And honestly, I’m ready for all of the mystery to be over! There have been so many times where I’ve questioned whether or not I was under the sheet based on those shocking moments so far. Last week, we found out that Wes was alive, for now, and that he had snitched on Annalise to save himself from everything to come with her and her house fire. This week, we didn’t really find out who was safe, but we’re two people closer to figuring out who isn't. Either way, I was shook by the great acting and can't wait to see who truly is gone for good. Let’s chat.

We began where we have for the last couple of episodes, with Annalise in her cell. We learned that last week someone had ratted out Annalise and she obviously had to confirm that it wasn’t Bonnie, even though she continues to stand by her no matter how much she treats her like trash. At this point, though, we knew it wasn’t because we saw Wes selling her soul to the cops. We then flashed back to the present where Laurel and Frank reunited in a not so great way. If you remember, he overheard her awkwardly telling Wes that she loved him on the phone, but that was beside the point. Bonnie had to have told Annalise that Frank was just at her house and was on his way to Laurel’s because she interrupted their awkward convo by calling to make sure she was okay. I thought that was nice since all Laurel basically is to Annalise is her do girl but aww, she’s changing! Laurel confirmed that she was all good and even let Frank stay the night considering he “didn’t know what he’d do if he had to be alone”.

The Case 

Our case this week was actually Wes’ case. Specifically, his involvement in the death of Wallace Mahoney and the arrest of his half-brother Charles who was framed by Frank. He had been subpoenaed and now had to appear in court. Of course, the crew was freaking out. Annalise, of course, had all the ideas. The main one being that they had to find out what Charles’ alibi was and crush it. This is where Frank comes back into play. He’s been assigned the task of finding out exactly what Charles’ alibi is. The rest of the Five hadn’t known that Frank was back in town and they were skeptical of working with him again after everything. The only one who seemed to be okay with it was Asher. Until he found out that Frank didn’t have his beard anymore and he became all of us.
Frank did what he does best by stalking Charles’ lawyer and following her to New York. She goes into a salon and as he’s passing by to get a better look, he passes by a familiar face. It turns out that she was the woman he hooked up with that paid him to crash into Annalise! She also happened to be Charles’ alibi because the two have been sleeping together. After handing Charles’ lawyer’s driver an envelope with Wes’ psych info in it, he decided to follow this not so mystery woman. While she isn't home, Frank sure was. The fool decided to break into her house because why not. We find out here that her name is actually Lisa Cameron and that she has a young daughter. Frank put it into his head that he was going to get revenge for Annalise by harming the little girl. But they had successfully talked him out of it. Not before Lisa and her daughter came home and Frank had to hide in the little girls closet like a PSYCHO.

Because Charles’ lawyer had that psych information on Wes, before he could take the stand he had to be interviewed by a psychologist to see if he was mentally fit to take the stand. We knew that he would pass because hello, even Norman Bates could pass a test like this.

To The Court House!

While on the stand, Wes lied for the umpteenth time and said that he saw Charles across the street when Wallace Mahoney was shot. Charles’ lawyer, in turn, tried to claim that Wes had some mental issues that could’ve made it seem like he saw Charles when he didn’t. She then asked him if he was working for someone that was trying to take Charles down. He said no, but we all knew that wasn’t the case.

Annalise had gone to some supermarket and was gazing lovingly at all of the wine bottles and I really thought she was about to break. Nope! My girl just stood in the aisle and smelled the wine to get over her cravings. In the end, she ended up buying a wine bottle’s worth amount of candy/snacks in which the sales person asked her if she had the munchies and she replied “Nope, Menopause.” Talk about hilarious. That wasn’t the only item she purchased, though, she also got a disposable phone which brings us back to Wes’ case.
Lisa Cameron was called to the stand and was questioned about her whereabouts the night Wallace was murdered and she was with Charles. She also shared that she hadn’t spoken with him in a while, but that was a lie! *Maury Povich voice* While Frank was inside Lisa’s house, at some point before leaving, he had made a call to a mysterious phone that was dropped off to Charles’ cell that had been purchased by Annalise and the prosecutor had the records to prove it! Wes was now off scot free and Charles Mahoney was going to jail for a crime he didn’t commit. Yay? I felt bad for Charles because he was literally just another person screwed over by Annalise and her posse. His mother was also upset because now she lost both of her boys and had no one *cries diamonds*.
In The Background 

While Wes was dealing with his case and the possibility of beating Frank in a fight over Laurel, everyone else was doing their own thing. And by everyone I mean Coliver. The two seemed to have gotten back together last week after Oliver went to Connor for a penis to cry on. But nope, there was still trouble in paradise and we owe it to Simon for low-key bringing it to the forefront. Now, I’m not saying they didn’t have problems before this, but Oliver I don’t think had thought much about it until threat moment. The issue was that he felt that Connor wasn’t being honest with him in regards to what was going on between The Five and Annalise. Oliver decided to address the issue but had the nerve to call Connor damaged and that’s where we saw that Connor had been broken. He stormed out of Oliver’s apartment as he should and went over to his bff Michaela’s house to kick over her side table. Being called damaged was obviously a trigger for him. While I’m sad for him, I also can't wait until we dig further into his story. I really want to know what Connor is all about.
The same can be said for Michaela. Her mother had been trying to contact her the whole episode and each time she ignored the call because her and her mom have beef. Asher took it upon himself to make contact with Michaela’s mother when she called while Michaela was consoling Connor. We’ll see how that goes when she shows up next week!

The Point of My Demise 

As the episode was coming to a close, we were treated to some pretty intense stuff. Annalise finally allowed Frank into her home and proceeded to read him for standing idly by while her life was shattering. If he had loved her so much, why hadn’t he come clean in the beginning and why did he stick around to witness the fall out she asked? Frank was basically blubbering at this point and decided to pull a gun on himself to fix everything. The crazy thing was, Annalise was begging for him to end it all and pull the trigger!!! No wonder that parental advisory message was shown in the beginning of the show! She literally kept screaming for him to “Just Do It!” *Shia Labeouf voice* and I thought he was going to but then Bonnie rushed in begging him not to. I thought that in this moment we’d have confirmation about who’s under the sheet because Frank was going to off himself but we didn’t. The scene just ended with them in that moment

One Week Later 

We flashed forward a week later to find everyone bombarding Bonnie with questions as to whether or not Laurel was okay, what happened at the house, where Annalise was, and who was the body that was found. Bonnie didn’t say too much which left the floor open for Oliver to ask everyone when they saw Connor last because he hadn’t heard from him. Whelp, Connor is alive but he wasn’t answering Oliver’s calls because he was too busy in the sheets with THOMAS! At this point, I would’ve been okay with Connor being under the sheet unlike I was before. He didn’t have to do any of that to get his pain across to Oliver.

We still don’t know who is dead seeing as we only have a suicidal Frank and Nate left. Could Annalise have set the fire to try and discard of Frank’s body? Could her and Nate have had another fight that ended in his death? Who knows! What I do know is that “No More Blood” was a great episode and I can't wait for the midseason finale next week!

How To Get Away With Murder airs on Thursdays at 8pm on ABC.

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