
Saturday, October 29, 2016

HTGAWM 'Is Somebody Really Dead' Recap: Snitches Will Get Stitches

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I don’t think there will be another episode that’ll top the iconic performances from last week. But this week’s episode did take us one step closer to finding out who might be #undertesheet. Honestly, I’m confused about who I think it is, but the confusion comes from a place of me not wanting it to be Connor. ‘Is Somebody Really Dead’ was that episode that reminds you how close we are to the big reveal that it doesn’t offer too much new information but a time stamp. It was still worth the watch, though. Let’s chat.

We began where we left off with Michaela and her mom at Michaela’s place. Her mom can obviously sense that something is wrong and offers to help Michaela but she made it very clear that she didn’t want any help when she told her mom to wait for her to come back and “not to steal anything”. Talk about rude af! Honestly, I’m just excited that we’re going to finally get a glimpse into Michaela’s life. Seeing as we know the least about her and Connor. Annalise, Bonnie, Wes, and Laurel were also where we left them last week, at Annalise’s house. Laurel had just snitched on Bonnie to Annalise sharing that Bonnie was in Coalport with Frank. Annalise. Was. Not. Happy. From the second Annalise knew Bonnie had betrayed her, she made sure not to let Bonnie forget how she felt ALL episode. She accused Bonnie of betraying her because she finally got the D from Frank, but of course Bonnie denied it. When Laurel asked Bonnie how Frank was doing she shared that he was the same trash person that she told Laurel he was in season 1. Honestly, Bonnie only said that because Frank put it down and left her in the hotel! I’d be mad too girl, so don’t feel bad.

While at Annalise’s, Laurel and Wes both get calls from Meggy. She’s panicked because the police are at Wes’ apartment. I just want to know what took the police so long to go to this boy’s place? Like, they’ve had him as a witness/suspect/whatever for the longest time now and they just made their way back to him? Doesn’t make any sense, unless Frank. Annalise told/threatened Wes to stay at her place until they worked this police situation out so that she could ‘protect him or else she’d pull a Rebecca on him and he’d take up residence in the basement! This was more like a make sure he doesn’t go to the cops and rat them all out situation. At this point, Annalise called a group meeting to share why the police were looking for Wes. Laurel obvi didn’t believe that Frank could’ve given Wes’ name to the cops, so she called him to make sure. She told him in a voicemail that she’d never forgive him if he actually did this. Frank, of course, had that look in his eye that it was possible, but I don’t think he did.

The next morning, Annalise had a meeting with the board to lift her suspension and reinstate her license, but of course not without her promising to complete a rehab course and conduct herself like a normal lawyer while in court. Normal as in she can’t scare the other lawyers or employ any of her other tactics that she’d use in the past to win it all. We’ll see how long this will last because Annalise is low-key crazy haha.

The Case 

This week’s case was involving a veteran named Danielle (she was on tvd as a werewolf I believe, hey girl!) who slit a guy’s throat in a bar and said it was because he kept harassing her and her girlfriend. As the class was presenting their reasoning’s that could help her get off, Simon suggested that they say she has PTSD which caused her to freak out and cut that guy up. Of course, he ends up as first chair only to do nothing. Once in court, Annalise sees that her A.D.A. nemesis Rene Atwood has also taken on the case just to F with her so Simon gets pushed to the side and Annalise takes over. It’s bad enough this girl has the nerve to be sleeping with Nate, but to come and attempt to ruin Annalise is low. I actually hate her. Annalise tried so hard to not let this woman get under her skin but was unsuccessful, she was getting nowhere in court.

While taking a breather with her chips in a bathroom stall, Michaela comes to share information that she found as she usually saves the day. Annalise was almost too pissed to take it, but of course did so she could show Atwood that she’s unstoppable! Bonnie did her duties and got the information that they needed to get Danielle the help she needed because homegirl was a liar. She had been using this combat story as her reasoning for lashing out when it wasn’t even her story. Danielle was working a desk job that involved writing up the stories of others and they affected her. So basically she was PTSD adjacent. She was able to avoid jail time, but she had to be treated for substance abuse, which she didn’t have, and she’d lose her benefits.
Meanwhile, Connor decided to pay Wes a visit to find out what his plans were to ditch the police and essentially told him that everything that they’ve been through has been his fault and if he even whispered his name to the police Connor would end him. I. am. dead. Connor didn’t have to do all of that, especially since no one told him to help clean up Sam’s murder anyway! He could’ve easily walked away from all of this and lived his life, but nope! He did not. So oh well boo, you’re in deep now whether you know it or not. After a conversation like that, Wes decided to tie up his loose ends. And by loose ends I mean dump Meggy. I saw it coming, but I still feel bad for her. Their whole relationship was basically a lie. She doesn’t need that drama, though, so I’m glad she got out alive. By the time Bonnie and Annalise got home from court, Wes was gone and so was the recording Bonnie had gotten of Frank confessing to killing Wallace Mahoney when she saw him. Shit.

The Hookup Chronicles 

Michaela and Asher were still having issues after Michaela’s country outburst last week. Asher actually started dancing to Cotton Eyed Joe to get a rise out of her and possibly force her to open up about her life. Michaela wasn’t here for that or the conversation about there being more than sex between them. Asher was upset because she still won’t admit how she feels so he left. He returned later to share that he’d been hooking up with some other girl, but of course, it was a lie to make Michaela jealous. He knew his initial plan hadn’t worked so he was just honest instead. He told Michaela for the millionth time that he actually really likes her a lot and she realized and admitted that she likes him also. And then they celebrated their new found relationship. I really like them together, they both balance each other out. Asher forces Michaela to open up, while she teaches him the ways that he’s problematic so that he can change for the better.


Oliver actually went out on a date this episode, so I’m happy for him too. He finally gets to be happy for once instead of watching Connor hookup with everyone out of sadness. The guy he went out with seemed a little weird but nice at the same time. He even wanted to go on a second date with Oliver. So score 1 for Michaela picking out a good guy for him.

When Wes had escaped Annalise’s clutches, he went to Laurel’s place so that she could be his witness to smashing the recording device which in the end would protect everyone. This all lead to them kissing and having sex which I am not here for. Sorry y’all, I just think them being together is so awkward/weird. Like yeah, they’re besties or whatever who share everything but they didn’t need to share their bodies as well. Nope.

While everyone was sexing, there was an emergency broadcast stating that the prime suspect had been caught in Wallace Mahoney’s death and it was his son. EVERYONE was tripping because they thought Wes had turned himself in. Laurel thinks that it was indeed him until she finds him watching the news as well. Turns out it was Wallace’s other son Charles who did since the murder weapon was found in the trunk of his car and it had been planted by none other than Frank. He obvi didn’t want Laurel and Annalise to think he was as trash as they already do so he fixed everything as usual.

Three Weeks Later 

Michaela is freaking out still because no one is answering their phones Asher included. So she goes to his dorm and finds him partying which means that we have one less person to cross off of the list. This leaves Frank, Nate, Connor, Wes and possibly Simon left as potential dead people. At this point, I’m still at a loss of ideas for who it could be. I just don’t want it to be Connor haha. What did you think of the episode? Who do you think will be #underthesheet?!

How To Get Away With Murder airs Thursday’s at 10pm on ABC.

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